With that in mind, I will share a couple of companies which I think is the best value.
As far as large bird toys go, I recommend the Zoo Max toys. They are made in Canada and shipped directly from the manufacturer. Zoo Max cuts their own wood to make it economical. Therefore, no middle men taking a cut, going right to the customer. Also, they are very well priced! The large toys are solid and heavy, some are huge. If you have beaks bigger then greys, choose the ones that aren't made with paper rope. It is a great company and I personally choose those for my flock.
Avian Organics food is a fantastic value, honestly I am not sure why anyone would choose anything else for cage mixes, mashes, and breads. I purchase the ingredients from the same company that supplies Whole Foods Markets. Luckily I live in Vancouver where I drive 20 minutes to pick it up. If you were to purchase a larger commercially made food, you are paying for distributer costs, staff, shipping (to manufacturer, then to distributer, then to dealer). So the actual food is just a fraction of the cost. With Avian Organics, the ingredients are the only cost! Additionally, most of the products have been produced for over 15 years, so the recipes are tried and true.
Sometimes I will pull out toys to ship and think, wow, why aren't I selling more of these? I will try and remember to come on here and make note of it.
Thank you to all my amazing customers, and FB followers!